
To Tech or Not To Tech? Is Technology Harmful or Helpful?

In this day in age people tend to say ‘tech’ like it’s one of the bad four letter words… Like it or not technology is taking over, an often we find ourselves asking, “Is technology good for us or bad?”

Truth be told… it’s both

Here Are 5 of The Best Things About Technology & 5 of The Worst 
#1 The Best – Reducing Our Ecological Footprint

We are finally realizing our impact on the planet and using technology to help!

  • The planet is more invested in technology to aid in healing and reducing our impact.
  • Technology allows  us to use less resources to create more efficient results
  • We are utilizing new technologies to reclaim damaged terrain, to remove trash, even to use the trash as fuel (credit to Sweden for that one!)
With Tesla taking on the ‘Techless’ world. Elon Musk has created an energy and technology race of sorts.
#2 The Worst – Tech is Taking Jobs
  • A new report (McKinsey Global Institute) predicts that by 2030, as many as 800 million jobs could be lost worldwide to automation.
  • Jobs such as grocery clerks, bank tellers, manufacturing works, insurance underwriters, even construction are being automated every day
  • Automating entry level positions can be a dangerous thing
#3 The Best – Medical Advancements

2017 was a great year for medical technology.

  • Digital pills carry cameras or sensors used to monitor the body from the inside
  • Exoskeletons to help children with cerebral palsy walk
  • Artificial wombs to save premature babies
Medical technology is advancing to bring us longer lives and to treat ailments which once were considered incurable
#4 The Worst – Technology Arms Race

The world is amidst a technical arms race…and it is freaky!

  • MAHEM explosives use something called a magnetic flux generator which includes molten hot metal and shrapnel
  • ADS and LRAD are weapons which use microwaves and sound to either cook you or to simply make your brain explode
  • Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicles… yes more robots. Tank robots this doesn’t seem like a good idea
Did everyone forget about this guy? Skynet? Remember how well that ended?
#5 The Best – Technology in Education

Technology is revolutionizing education and changing how and what we teach.

  • Allowing us to personalize education programs to the needs of each student
  • Making education more interactive and thus more engaging
  • Giving us the power to break through learning disabilities
This is a computer, whiteboard, projector, TV & music device…no more cleaning blackboard erasers!
#6 The Worst – Our Children Are Too Obsessed
  • Children under 5 are spending 2 hours/day or more on screen
  • There are proven biological and psychological consequences to children having too much ‘screen time’
  • Blue light causes sleep deprivation
How much is too much? remember the good ol’ days when you went home when the street lights came on?
#7 The Best – Technology Can Keep Us Connected
  • Social Media, FaceTime, WhatsApp etc. helps families and friends stay connected over long distances.
  • Allows us to feel like part of the day to day life of far away family and friends
  • Always know how our loved ones are and that they are safe
Take it from me when family is far away, social media is a godsend for keeping strong family bonds.
#8 The Worst – We Feel Constantly Tied to Our Phones
  • We are expected to make ourselves available to anyone at anytime
  • It’s harder for us to ‘get away’ or be on vacation
  • This can increase levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
Sometimes these things rule our lives… there’s actually a labelled disorder!
#9 The Worst – Tech Zombie Apocolypse
  • Dangerous driving accidents have nearly tripled due to use of technology while driving
  • People are socializing in person less
  • Social media identity crisis is real… people judge themselves based on likes and shares

    Lets face it…this is basically today’s reality
#10 The Best – Smart Home Automation
  • Smart homes are making life better, easier, and safer!
  • Gives us more control and security
  • Automation is the way of the future and we have barely scratched the surface of what it can do for us
Better, safer, easier… Smart homes are the future!

To sum up its 2018 and it’s not spelled Te**nology. Tech is good for us but there are always downsides. Let technology work for you and not against you.

If you want to see how we make technology improve lives and the world around us and avoid the zombie apocalypse…

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