
Home Theaters Are Taking Over…And The Movie Theaters Are Freaking Out About It!

Are Theaters Being Abandoned? The Home Theater Take Over Is Here…And The Box Office Is Shook!

Theater Attendance Hit A 27 Year Low In 2017

During the past decade the industry has seen a staggering 23% decline over all between its high and low points. A whopping 5.6% decline was between 2016-2017 alone!

 The crazy part is that despite ticket prices SOARING that even domestic revenues sank by 2.4% last year!

Do remember the great times you had meeting your friends at the theater? or that special someone?…. Well your kids won’t and their kids may have never even walked into one.
Almost Half of North Americans Have Stopped Going!

Up to 22% of North Americans have said they NEVER go to the theater! Another 27% have said they almost never go or haven’t gone in years!

Ask yourself… “how many times have I been to the theater in the last decade?” Has that number declined?

I, for one,  used to go quite regularly but now will go at most once a year.

Cineplex Stock has taken a 40% drop over the last few months!

…But Why?
  Reason #1 – Box Office Greed

The theaters make next to nothing off of ticket sales, which continue to soar. As a result they must jack their prices up on food…WAY UP! Why would anyone want to buy horrible, gas station quality food at the same price as a steak & lobster dinner?

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Reason #2  Media Is Changing

The fact is that the way people view media is changing. People are willing to wait until that big blockbuster is released outside of theaters before watching. This is for a multitude of reasons, not just because it costs less, but it is also more convenient, more comfortable, and just a generally better experience.

Streaming Services Like Netflix are rocking the cable and box office industries
Reason #3 Home Theaters Are Taking Over!

It was not long ago that to have a true theater experience in your home you had to be able to afford $80,000 – $100,000 to have a real projection theater in your home!

This is no longer the case since companies like Sony (who build 90% of the cinema projectors) are making the EXACT same technology available and affordable for your home

If you could have a true home theater for less than the price of 20 trips for a family of four…Would you?

 Other Home Theater Benefits: The Pause Button, Make Your Own Food, No Rude Neighbors, A Real Family Experience, No Commute

By The Numbers

Lets take a look at some of the numbers.

Statistical Average Ticket Price In CAD = $10.75 (This is brought way down because of american statistics and budget theaters)

Actual Prices CAD = Adult $18  Child $15

Combo Price (1 large popcorn, 2 regular drinks) = $25

Candy Box = $7.50


So for a family 4 what does a basic movie theater night cost?

2 x adult tickets = $36

2 x child tickets =  $30

2 x combo snacks = $50

2 x Candy Box = $15

A total of $121! That’s before any nachos, pizza, meals, arcade play etc.  I have a family of four, our typically spend at theaters (the rare times we have ever gone) is over $200!

But how much will it cost me? FIND OUT NOW!
Click the link below to find out how much the investment would be for you to have a home theater.

[wolf_button text=”Home Theater Calculator” url=”https://auxcity.ca/tools/home-theatre-estimator/” color=”accent-color” size=”medium” type=”square” icon=”fa-adjust” icon_position=”after”]

