
Home Automation… Cost or Smart Investment?

Many who are considering upgrading the technology in their homes, or considering to what level they should automate their new homes, find themselves asking

“Is it really worth it?”

Make no mistake smart home automation is not some feckless attempt to turn your home into an episode of Star Trek. It’s changing the way we live, giving us easier & greater enjoyment of our homes, and improving our environmental impact.

The best thing is it can save you a few bucks at the same time.

Here are 5 ways a little automation can go a long way:

#1  Climate Control

• Up to 50% of a homes ongoing cost can be related to heating

• Most homes have either heating or cooling running constantly

• Many homes are paying to heat or cool areas that are not even used

If a room is hot and there’s no one there to feel it, does it make you sweat? (the philosophical view on automation).  

A home that heats or cools as necessary based on the habits of your family or only acclimatizes the areas in your house that need it can save you a fair bit of cash.

#2 Automated Electrical

• Most people think that they consume WAY less electricity than they actually do

• TV’s, gaming systems, and computers can actually be one of the biggest energy wasters as they are often left on constantly (the one time that size actually doesn’t matter)

• A common misconception is that you cannot drastically reduce your electrical bill

With electrical automation you can ensure that your family is not wasting power needlessly. Appliances, devices, and necessary lights can be monitored or operated from virtually anywhere.

#3 Automated Water Control

• 1/3 of our annual water usage is outdoors

• Up to 40% of the water we use is wastage

•  Canadians use up to 300 litres of water per person per day

The cost of water is rising in Canada. The addition of adding automated water control can create big household savings and decrease our impact on the environment. Smart faucets, shower heads and appliances will significantly decrease the amount of water used per household. Automation can give you the ability to monitor  your usage and ensure everything is running properly. Automatic water shut-off valves will reduce flood risk as well, shutting off all household water-flow if there’s a pressure drop.

#4 Insurance Savings

•The Greater Toronto Area has the second highest home insurance rates in Canada

• Rural locations can pay higher rates

• Many of the costs associated with insurance rates can be avoided

The addition of security features & surveillance automation, automated smoke, fire, monoxide, and flood protection can reduce your home insurance raters by up to 20%!

When it comes to home automation, the more the better! It will only serve  to make your life easier and save you money.

#5 Peace of Mind

• Do you stress out while your away from home?

• Do you feel that you’re paying to much for avoidable costs of living?

•How much is your peace of mind worth to you?

At AuxCity we believe in enjoying your home while your there and not needing to think about it while your away.

Make your peace of mind automatic. Enjoy living and let automation take care f the small things that can become big problems.

Live smart, not hard!

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